Guess what! I found my planner! I found it and realized I had 3 appointments this week lol! So I am having a blast merging!!
I have a very important doctors appointment tomorrow. I went in and got evaluated to see if I could get the weight loss surgery, but I wasn't a good candidate. Although I am over weight everything else is good. I don't have other health issues. So I went in and did a lot of blood work, and tomorrow I finally get the results, and from there I start my journey of weight loss under doctor supervision. Like I have said before this is going to be a year where I take care of me. Trust me it hasn't been easy. The nurses at the hospital always remind me to make sure I am taking care of myself. So I am trying really hard to keep all my appointments. It's not like it will be my fist time trying to lose weight... but I always jump into it full force. 6 months to a year later I'm so tired of being so strict that I start relaxing way too much. Or I end up pregnant lol. So I am going to do this slow, and realistically. I am excited and nervous at the same time. I will be writing and recording everything because I know I'm going to have my ups and downs, and I want to be able to help other people realize that's just the way of life. It's ok to fall, but we gotta get up and keep going.
Being a 36 year old mother of 4 I can see how easy it is to forget ones self. I am always running around behind my kids making sure they are ok, and making sure they are being active in good things so that they don't have time to get into bad things. My wardrobe is a mess, my hair is always a mess, and as good as I am with make up, its rare when I wanna wear it. I know there are those mothers that have it all together, and can probably dance circles around me while knitting a blanket for their kids, but I need help keeping it all together. Lets take it one step at a time. Lets finish with the planner, and lets keep our appointments. Every week I'm also going to give myself a new challenge. Of course I'm going to have to write it in because I will forget. Simple things though. Like for a whole week I can't walk out the house with no eyebrows or with no mascara. A week of no leggings things like that. Just to show myself I can make time for all of this.
I have 3 daughters... I have to show them the importance of me time. Or else they are going to go crazy trying to take care of everything but themselves and that just wont do.
Also guys I'm going to try to save some money for a really nice camera I want. Lets see if we can do this!!!! This year I am going to make sure I am as ok as I make sure my husband and children are!
