Hi guys!!! Its been a while I know, and I'm really sorry! I want to come up with a really good excuse, but honestly I don't have one other than life got in the way. Which is silly because I could have blogged about it! I still have a hard time just sitting down and blogging and letting everyone in my life. I know that's the point of blogging , and I'm working on it. I know that once I do something will change in my life.
I spent way too much time as a child hiding things, and now as an adult I don't know how to talk express myself. Unless I'm having a melt down and just saying whatever comes to my mind. And that's what has been happening lately. It has gotten me in plenty of trouble lol. ANYWAYS that was not supposed to be the point of this blog! LOL
I started doing the love dare....Ok so I'm going to start. I just downloaded the book again like 5 min. ago. And No my marriage is not in trouble! We are going through a lot of changes, and honestly we have been going through a lot of changes for the last 2 years or so. I mean some big life changing changes that could have broken us, and by the grace of God I have found more peace in my relationship than ever. I mean yes we had our battles. We threw blame around. I cried a lot and for a while. He yelled, I yelled and the kids started acting out. But our foundation is pretty stable and no matter how high the tides get we are entwined with one another and God. " Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken." -Ecclesiastes 4:12.
I have been wanting to do this for a while, but every time I remember its already a week or 2 into the month. As it is today, but I said oh well lets try to do this. So as many of you know my husband of 16 years works graveyard. which means he leaves at 9pm and gets back at 7 ish am. Right now it is 8:07 pm and he's still asleep so I'm going to write down what the plan is for tomorrow and go from there.
Patience is definitely something I have to work on. I will be the first to admit it! And that's what chapter one is all about!! One of the questions the author asks is " If your spouse offends you, do you quickly retaliate, or do you stay under control? " - The Love Dare
I don't know about you, but I have always been quick on my feet. Especially if you're hurting my feelings. So it was a little hard to answer yes. It goes on to ask if we use anger as default when treated unfairly... that's a yes for me too! It says that if both answers are yes, then we are spreading poison instead of medicine!! I don't know if I want to do this publicly any more !!! HAHAHAAHA -_-
Soooo The dare of the day today is to say NOTHING negative to my spouse for the whole day, and if I am tempted to say something it would be best to just not even open my mouth...….
If you know me you know how sarcastic I could be!!! So this is gonna be fun!!! I mean I could sit here and pretend it will be easy because I never say anything negative to my husband... I mean who does that? but I would not only be lying to you but to myself. I'm not saying I put him down... that would be really bad. I'm saying I'm sarcastic and I'll say things like Oh babe can you fix so and so for me please and he will say sure I'll do it when I get a chance... I will probably respond with.... mmmmm so that's never then.... LOL
Anyways this is only day one! So wish me luck! Because I'm going to conquer this dare and adjust some of the things that could bring conflict into my marriage before I can't anymore. If you want to join along comment how your day went! Lets take this journey together!!!
