I'm starting to feel like being over booked is a part of life. I feel like I'm starting to fall back into my stay at home mom routine. You know the one where you swear you have all the time in the world and you're not busy when in reality you're just trying not to feel guilty for staying home. Not that I'm complaining too much... lol ,,, It's just making me miss being at work even that much more.
So I started my video blogs to have some fun! But I never expected what I'm getting in return. I have spent more time with my kids and the push and pull we have been having since I started working. Well I finally feel like its broken and we have found a middle ground. Even in this last challenge there was a tug of war between my son and I and my daughter was a little distant for the first part of the video. Something broke last night between them both. My son and my daughter at different times in different ways told me that they see the attitude they have and they wanna try to change it.
Am I expecting perfection? Absolutely not! I am expecting them to be kids and have attitudes and tantrums and meltdowns. I mean I still have them... and I know you do too!! Why expect different from my kids. But it does mean that I have to change some stuff too. Its not just a change in them its gotta be a change in me too. They are teens now. I have to come to that realization. I can't treat them like kids anymore. As much as I want to keep them little and innocent... not that they wont be innocent anymore its just that they are exposed to a lot more and I don't want them to have to learn it all alone. If and when they need me I want to be able to be there,
I also have 2 other kids that are kids. Finding a balance isn't going to be easy, but its not impossible. There's many parents out there that did it. and with God leading and directing us we will raise them the best we can. Not perfect because neither my husband nor I are perfect, but the best possible. I'm going to continue Vlogging because its teaching me more and more about my children and what they like and who they are and who they're becoming!
Tomorrow I upload another video, but I'm going to leave the link of the last video in case you haven't watched it yet!!!
Love you all!!!!
