It took me an extra day to actually start this again. only because its not easy to put your pride aside and try...HAHA just being real, but ok I know pride wont get me anywhere.
DAY 8; Love is not jealous....
" It is time to let love, humility, and gratefulness destroy any jealousy that springs up in your heart." - The Love Dare.
This chapter talks about not just the regular type of jealousy, but the competitive one as well. Giving my husband all the praise he deserves. Acknowledging his victories and awesomeness has always came easy to me. Even when I'm mad. He is a great man with so many gifts and talents that I am awed by them. I have always tried to push him into reaching his full potential, and have rejoiced at any accomplishments. I think I am his biggest fan. So I thought this day was going to be easy! HA!!
The dare for the day was to take the 2 list that were made previously and burn up the bad one!! Wait what! He told me all the things he wanted me to change... I cant tell him!! That's not fair... That is exactly what went through my mind. I mean I could accidently leave it laying around before I burn it... to make sure he sees it... LOL! But no! I had to burn it. And I'm not going to lie it did hurt! But after I was like oh well...
There was a 2nd part to the dare though. We are supposed to share how glad you are about a success or blessing he recently enjoyed...Ok guys here's me being honest! We have been arguing for days now. A lot has changed in our family, and the floods were opened and we have been arguing or not talking... how am I going to say something about how proud I am or how good something he did was when all we been doing is pissing each other off?? I thought today was on jealousy... you know the one people get when they look or react to the opposite sex.... I didn't know we were working on our pride!!
So I told him he was a great dad.... I don't know if he didn't hear me or just didn't acknowledge me but he is a pretty awesome father. That is actual facts. He's patient understanding and not aggressive. All that is new to me, and I am blessed that my children have such an amazing father.
On to day 9... Love makes good impressions.
