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Does this spark JOY...

After reading and re reading and breaking down proverbs 31 I realized I kept skipping the first 10 verses. They have nothing to do with being virtuous woman. Mmm maybe not BUT it is advice King Lemuel mother gave him on how to be king of his kingdom. My house is my Kingdom and my husband says I’m his queen so I went back and paid better attention to that part.

Basically King Lemuel’s Mother is telling him not to have any distractions, and always be clear minded avoiding the temptations there are out in the world. As ruler of his kingdom he can’t afford to be caught unprepared.

That got me thinking. I came to the conclusion that for the next 8 days I’m doing some major decluttering. It’s time to detox myself mentally , physically and spiritually .

Its also time to declutter my house. Starting with my kitchen ending in the back yard, and since I had surgery 2 weeks ago and can’t lift more than 10 lbs and my children are on summer break, they will be so excited to find out they are helping me. 😂😂 So I expect a lot more pictures and I may start a vlog too. Follow me on Instagram or facebook : @simplybeingmeholy

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