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Day's 3, 4 & 5 of the Love Dare Challenge

Writer's picture: Simply Being Me HOLYSimply Being Me HOLY

I've been very busy lately, in fact I'm writing this really quick because we are on our way out of town for the day, and I haven't figured out how to do this on my phone! Anyways I haven't stopped doing my challenge so here's the updates. *** EDIT*** I had to stop writing this blog because at that moment I realized I had huge essay due and I spent the rest of the time doing it. We literally ran out of the house at the latest time we possibly could lol!!

Day 3; Love is not selfish. The part that stuck out to me in this chapter was when it starts talking about living in a time where its mostly about "self" it said , " We despise this trait in other people but justify it in ourselves. " I deserve … " and " I expect..." and " I want..." are appetizers we use to feed selfishness. " - The Love Dare

That struck a chord with me because I have said things like that before, I deserve more than what you're giving me... is something I usually tell him. Not material things but emotional ones.

The Dare for this day was to spend a little money and buy your spouse something. Something that says I was thinking of you.

We are on a strict budget so I what I got him was simple yet meaningful because he knows how hard it was for me to spend that money.

Day 4; Love is thoughtful; Today was all about how we need to be thoughtful. It also stated that we need to listen. It says that women need to stop hinting at things then getting upset because they guys don't pick up on those hints. Don't worry ladies it also tells the guys they need to pay attention to what women are really saying.

" A husband should listen to his wife and learn to be considerate of her unspoken messages. A wife should learn to communicate truthfully and not say one thing while meaning another. " - The Love Dare

I know I'm totally guilty of that!! All in all todays dare was the easiest one so far. We were dared to send a message during the day to our spouse asking them how they are doing and if there was anything you could do for them. Without any hidden agenda. I have to say that in the 16 years we have been married we send those kinds of messages to each other everyday, multiple times a day. So today was an easy day.

Day 5: Love is not rude: "When you allow love to change tour behavior- even in the smallest of ways- you restore an atmosphere of honor to your relationship. " - The Love Dare.

Todays dare was a little hard to swallow. The Dare of the day was this " Ask your spouse to tell you three things that cause him or her to be uncomfortable or irritated with you. You must do this without attacking them or justifying your behavior."- The Love Dare

This one was so hard for me because I felt like he had a list of things and just picked out a couple of random ones. But when he told me the three things I wanted to cry. I started justifying one of them... ( because he took his sweet time getting all three out... like he was deciding which ones to tell me) I had to catch myself and stay quiet. After a minute of staying quiet he asked if I was mad. I said no ( because I wasn't ) that I was just trying really hard not to justify myself. but low key I was a little hurt, but I realized that if I stay like that he wont feel safe answering my questions anymore, and even though I wasn't saying anything I was ruining the challenge by shutting down. SO I changed my attitude and enjoyed the rest of the evening.

There are still 2 more days to cover and catch up, but I Will do that tomorrow seeing as this was a long blog!

Cant wait to catch you guys up on the rest!!



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